When you think of British show jumping you likely think of graceful hunters in traditional English riding gear. However, this isn’t an accurate depiction of the sport. British show jumping is actually a competitive equestrian event where horse teams try to score as many points as possible within a set time frame. It’s a highly technical event and can be intimidating for newcomers. In this blog post we’ll explore some common mistakes made by new and aspiring British show jumpers. Keep reading for some tips on how to improve your performance and reduce these errors in the future so that you can get the most out of your time in the ring!

Not Warming Up Enough

It’s important to warm up before every show. But what does that mean for show jumpers? Well, it’s not enough to simply walk your horse around the ring before you jump. To get the most out of your warm-up, you need to make it as challenging as possible. This includes working on your equipment, making small jumps, and moving with your horse. If you only warm up for a few minutes, it’s not going to have as big of an impact on your performance as it would if you spent 30 minutes preparing for the jump round.

Using the Wrong Equipment

This is a big one. If you don’t know how to use your equipment, you’re not going to perform well. If you’re not sure what the right equipment is, ask one of the people at your ring or talk to your instructor before the next show.

Choosing the Wrong Horse

When picking out a horse for show jumping, you need to consider a few things. First, you need to make sure that your horse is capable of doing the tricks you want to in the ring. You also need to make sure that your horse has the temperament and character to perform under pressure. It’s also a good idea to make sure that your horse is sound and able to jump without issues.

Not Paying Attention to the Jumper - Where Will They Look?

This one can be tricky to get right. When you’re in the ring, you have to be aware of where the judge is looking on each jump. This will make it easier to keep track of your score so that you can try to improve it. It’s also a good idea to look at the jumps ahead of time so that you don’t get distracted by something that you can’t jump. If you can, you should also try to time jumps together so that you don’t waste time waiting for the next jump.

Forcing Your Horse Instead of Working With Them

Horse shows are a team sport. You need to work with your horse and trust that they know what to do in any given situation. If you try to force your horse into doing something that they’re not comfortable with, you’re likely to cause more issues than you solve. If your horse isn’t ready to jump a certain jump, don’t force them. Instead, tell them to walk out and come back when they’re ready to jump.

Summing Up

When you’re in the ring, you need to be focused on getting the best score you can. If you try to be a jack of all trades, you’re not going to be able to excel at any one thing. Instead, pick a few things to focus on and give them your full attention. When you focus on one thing at a time, you’ll be able to improve your score and get out of the ring with a win.